Updated floodplain maps for the City of Austell took effect on March 14, 2013, and properties now sit in one of three flood risk categories: decreased floodplain risk, moderate floodplain risk (shaded Zone X), or high floodplain risk, also known as Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). Properties in decreased floodplain risk areas may be exempt from flood insurance requirements. Please consult your lender before dropping flood insurance.
It is highly encouraged that property owners in moderate and high-risk areas consult their insurance agents and consider purchasing flood insurance before new maps become effective.
Following are the effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for areas of flood risk within the City of Austell for Cobb County and Douglas County. The files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, are large, and may take a moment to download.
Locating a Map For Your Property
Look for your street name under the road section (roads may extend to more than one map). Once found, click on the map panel number to the right
Doe Run Drive, Garrett Springs Drive, Goodwin Road, Hiram-Lithia Springs Road, Jody Circle, Mary Lane, Miller Road, Water Oaks Drive, Weatherford Drive, Weatherford Lane, Weatherford Place, Weldon Drive, Westside Road, Wheatfield Court, Wheatfield Lane, Windbrooke Court, Windbrooke Drive, Worthington Court, Worthington Drive
Alabama Street, Austell-Powder Springs Road, Bagley Lane, Broad Street, Brooks Drive, Brown Street, C. H. James Parkway, Cousins Street, Cureton Court, Cureton Drive, Cureton Lane, Cureton Pass, Cureton Run, Cureton Way, Cureton Woods Cove, Cypress Club Trail, Cypress Cove Court, Duck Court, Eastside Drive, Edith Street, Sweetwater Street, Egret Court, Egret Lane, Ethan's Cove, Fessenden Avenue, Flint Hill Road, Flintlock Place, Greystone Court, Greystone Place, Humphries Street, Hutcheson Drive, Ivy Cottage Lane, Jefferson Street, Joe Jerkins Boulevard, Joe Street, Landers Street, Lazy Hollow Lane, Love Street, Miller Road, Morningside Drive, Mulberry Street, Nature Lane, Nature Trail, Northview Drive, Oak Street, Old Marietta Road, Owens Drive, Park Avenue, Park Circle, Park Lake Court, Parkside Court, Parkwood Court, Perk Street, Perk Way, Perkerson Mill Road, Pine Grove Court, Pine Grove Drive, Pine Street, Rockhill Street, Rolly Street, Shannon Drive, Sloan Street, Spring Street, Stovall Road, Sweetwater Street, Sweetwater Valley Road, Veterans Memorial Highway, Vine Street, Virginia Drive, Washington Street, Westside Road, Whitewater Court, Willow Lane, Windy Lane, Winternest Drive

Ben Boulevard, Bonny Glen Circle, Brookfield Drive, Brookfield Way, Deer Brook Trail, Deer View Place, Hiram-Lithia Springs Road, Humphries Hill Road, Jackie Lane, Kensington Court, Newnan Circle, Newnan Court, Perry Point, Slate Court, Slate Drive, Tate Drive, Tate Place, Water Oaks Drive, Wellington Way, Westside Road, Windchase Court
Austell Avenue, Betty Street, Billmark Avenue, Bowden Street, Brightmore Court, Brightmore Drive, Brown Street, C. H. James Parkway, Caleb’s Way, Carol Way, Causey Chapel Circle, Causey Chapel Road, Cemetery Street, Center Street, Charles Lane, Cochran Street, Cousins Street, Davis Circle, Eastside Drive, Franklin Cove, Franklin Cove, Franklin Street, Franklin Street, Gore Place, Grace Street, Hotel Street, Humphries Hill Road, Humphries Street, Jefferson Street, John Street, Line Street, Love Street, Medlock Avenue, Miller Road, Millstone Court, Millstone Drive, Mulberry Street, North Avenue, Peco Lane, Perkerson Drive, Pine Street, Rockhill Street, Rolly Street, Rosehill Street, Scott Drive, Sherwood Drive, Slate Court, Slate Drive, South Avenue, Spring Street, Stonebrook Circle, Stonebrook Cove, Stonebrook Drive, Stonebrook Lane, Veterans Memorial Highway, Walker Street, Westside Road, Wilson Street
Austell Road, Bishops Row, Cambrian Terrance, Castile Square, Collins Boulevard, Doby Lane, Dogwood Circle, Flint Hill Road, Harris Street, Harrison Avenue, Holly Hills Terrace, Jones Road, June Drive, Lakeview Court, Landington Drive, Landover Court, Landover Way, Matt Drive, Maxham Road, Medford Lane, Mobley Street, Sunlight Drive, Old Marietta Road, Park Avenue, Parkside Drive, Perkerson Mill Road, Royal Industrial Boulevard, Sanders Drive, Sumpter Place, Sweetwater Lane, Sylvia Street, Valley Lake Road, Venesa Circle, Veterans Memorial Highway, Virginia Circle, Warren Drive, Willow Lane
Cochise Circle, Dogwood Circle, Hiawatha Lane, Lisa Lane, Locust Lane, Maxham Road, Old Alabama Road, Pontiac Circle, Red Cloud Court, Salt Springs Place, Venesa Circle
Maxham Road, Old Alabama Road
How To Read a Flood Insurance Rate Map: This tutorial educates users on the use and application of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Each component of the Flood Insurance Rate Map is explored. The tutorial includes a section that contains examples of how to get specific information from Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
How To Read a Flood Insurance Rate Map
Flood Insurance Study
A Flood Insurance Study is a compilation and presentation of flood risk data for specific watercourses, streams, and other flood hazard areas within a community. When a flood study is completed for the National Flood Insurance Program, the information and maps are assembled into a Flood Insurance Study. This report contains detailed flood elevation data in flood profiles and data tables.
Following are publications produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for areas of flood risk within the City of Austell for Cobb County and Douglas County. The files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, are large, and make take a moment to download.
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 1 (Cobb County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 2 (Cobb County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 3 (Cobb County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 4 (Cobb County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 1 (Douglas County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 2 (Douglas County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 3 (Douglas County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 4 (Douglas County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 5 (Douglas County)
Flood Insurance Study - Volume 6 (Douglas County)
How To Read a Flood Insurance Study: This tutorial educates users on the use and application of the Flood Insurance Study reports produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Each component of the Flood Insurance Study report – including Flood Profiles, cross sections, and notes – is explored and explained.
How To Read a Flood Insurance Study