- Purchases greater than $1,000 and less than $3,000 shall be authorized by the respective department heads who are required to document in writing their efforts to obtain at least three quotes or bids for each purchase. Documentation  all associated paperwork will be maintained by the department.
- Purchases between $3,000 and $24,999. The department head, together with the mayor shall authorize purchases between $3,000 and $24,999. All such purchases shall require informal (non-advertised, no-sealed) bids. Supporting bid documentation must be in written form. A minimum of three bids must be obtained from qualified vendors who regularly offer or carry the items or services to be purchased.
- Purchases over $25,000. Any purchase in excess of $25,000 shall be approved/awarded by the mayor and city council in a regular or special meeting, unless it is made under a Cobb County, state, federal G.S.A. negotiated contract purchasing system, or pursuant to O.C.G.A. 3669A-4, as may be amended from time to time. Such purchases shall require formal competitive sealed bids, which shall be advertised in the Georgia Procurement Registry (if estimated greater than $100,000) pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-80-26, and as may be amended from time to time.
Click here for further information on Request for City of Austell Bid documents direct your emails to accountspayable@austellga.gov or mail to :
Finance Department
City Hall
5000 Austell Powder Springs Rd Suite 300
Austell, Georgia 30106
Pre-Proposal Meeting Minutes
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
Mechanical Demolition Plan and General Notes
Mechanical Renovaton Plan (1)
Mechanical Equipment Details
Mechanical Equipment Details (1)
Mechanical Equipment Schedules
Mechanical Equipment Controls
Addendum #3
Addendum #4
Threadmill Complex
Pre-Proposal Sign-In
Threadmill Floor Plans
Threadmill Floors with Suites
Threadmill Complex Surveys
Threadmill APS Multi Use Trail Info from Study
Threadmill Addendum #1 Pre-Proposal Site Visit Meeting Minutes
Threadmill Leases
Questions and Answers
ITB #24-0008-PW - Milling and Paving Cochran ST, Rosehill ST, Line ST, Walker ST, Cemetery ST (A&B), Wilson ST (A&B)
Bid Results
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
ITB Spring Street, Rolly Street, Filter Plant Road
Addendum 1
Invitation to Bid – Sale of 5948 Spring Street House
BackStreet Water Improvements