Ethical Government
On October 5, 2015, the City of Austell adopted the Code of Ethics
for city officials in recognition of principles that provide the City
and its citizens guidance on ethical governmental procedures and
The Mayor and City Council have resolved to conduct themselves as a
group and as individuals in accordance to the Cities of Ethics
principles and pledged to conduct its affairs accordingly.
The City of Austell was recognized as a Cities of Ethics during
special ceremonies at the annual Georgia Municipal Association Mayor's
Day Conference held in January 2016.
Principles of Ethical Government
These principles are designed to guide the elected officials as individuals and as a governing body:
- Serve others, not ourselves
- Use resources with efficiency and economy
- Treat all people fairly
- Use the power of our position for the well-being of our constituents
- Create an environment of honesty, openness, and integrity
Pictured: (left) Dr. Laure Meadows, Director of the Carl Vinson
Institute of Government, University of Georgia; Ollie B. Clemons, Jr.
(Mayor Pro-Tem); and Johns Creek Mayor Mike Bodker, President of the
Georgia Municipal Association.