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Kenneth Strong

Assistant Fire Chief
City of Austell Fire Department

Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Strong began his public safety career by earning his Emergency Medical Technician certification and working for a local EMS provider. During that time, he also began his training to become a Certified Firefighter. Once he completed training, Kenneth served Paulding County as a Volunteer Firefighter. With the intent to become a full-time firefighter, Kenneth applied for positions at several local fire departments. Kenneth was offered a position at Austell Fire Department in 2005 and is now in his fifteenth year of serving this community. Over the course of these fifteen years Kenneth has earned numerous certifications to include: Fire Instructor, Fire Inspector, Fire Officer, Fire and Life Safety Educator, Rope Rescue Technician, Hazardous Materials Technician, and Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator. Kenneth has served the City of Austell as a Firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, and currently Assistant Fire Chief. Kenneth has been a member of the Austell Fire Department’s Honor Guard and has regularly participated in the opening ceremonies of the annual Cobb County Public Safety Breakfast. He has been a member of the Department’s Fire Engine Committee, whose purpose is to create specifications for new fire engines purchased by the City. He was involved in numerous rescues during the flood of 2009 and has since been trained in swift water rescue and rescue boat operations.  Kenneth believes in hard work, helping others, and the desire to never stop learning. Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Strong is proud and honored to serve the citizens and visitors of Austell.