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Austell, GA City Logo

Curb Marker Program

A Solution to the Pollution

The City of Austell Stormwater Curb Marker Program was developed in conjunction with the Atlanta Regional Commission. Through the assistance of volunteers such as yourself, we apply curb markers which indicate a simple message on storm drain inlets to prevent illegal discharges of pollutants into the City’s stormwater system. The message, “NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO CREEK” is important for several reasons.

Things You Should Know About Stormwater

Stormwater drain lines are located all throughout the City. Stormwater drain inlets are openings in the street curb that allow rainwater runoff to enter. They serve to carry rain water off streets, parking lots, construction sites, neighborhoods, and agricultural lands, where it is then channeled into our City’s storm drains and into our ditches; ultimately into the local creek. However, non-point source pollution is washed by rainfall off the land and into our creeks.

Examples of Non-Point Source Pollution

  • Oil and Grease from roads, highways, used motor oil in yards
  • Dirt and Sand from Lawns, streets, new construction and farms
  • Phosphorus from fertilizers, phosphate detergents
  • Nitrogen from fertilizers, decaying plants and leaking sewage
  • Coliform bacteria from feces of wildlife, domestic animals and humans
  • Other contaminants and litter from paint, other chemicals poured into gutters or tossed into yards