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Community Rating System

The Community Rating System recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum National Flood Insurance Program standards. Depending upon the level of participation, flood insurance premium rates for policyholders can be reduced up to 45%. Besides the benefit of reduced insurance rates, Community Rating System floodplain management activities enhance public safety, reduce damages to property and public infrastructure, avoid economic disruption and losses, reduce human suffering, and protect the environment.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has established minimum floodplain management requirements for communities, such as the City of Austell, participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. Communities must also enforce any more restrictive State requirements. Any community may exceed the minimum standards by adopting more comprehensive floodplain management regulations. In some instances, community officials may have access to information or knowledge of conditions that require, particularly for human safety, higher standards than the minimum National Flood Insurance Program criteria. Any floodplain management regulations adopted by which are more restrictive than the criteria set forth in the National Flood Insurance Program regulations are encouraged and shall take precedence. Communities that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program may be eligible to participate in the Community Rating System.

As part of the Community Rating System, the City of Austell has developed comprehensive management plans for flood-prone areas.

Citizens Benefit from Lower Flood Insurance Premiums City of Austell Earns Class 8 Rating

Flood insurance policyholders in the City of Austell have seen reductions in premiums effective October 1, 2012. Staff worked diligently to become a participant in the Community Rating System and has earned a class rating from the National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System. This program was created to recognize communities where floodplain management standards exceed the minimum federal standards and, in exchange, policyholders receive discounts on their flood insurance premiums. Currently, policyholders that live within the Special Flood Hazard Area are entitled to a ten percent (10%) discount.

The City of Austell's Community Rating System is Class 8.