Follow link to File a Code Enforcement Complaint
Procedure to File a Code Enforcement Complaint:
- Any form not signed by the complainant will not be acted upon.
- Any form signed anonymously will not be acted upon.
- All complaints must be completed on the form authorized by the City of Austell Mayor and Council.
- You may download the Written Formal Complaint Form, complete and sign it, then return to Code Enforcement at the address listed on the form. The formal complaint may also be e-mailed to our office, or you may choose the "Submit by Email" button.
One of the City of Austell's highest priorities is to work with residents to preserve and maintain our residential neighborhoods and businesses.
Each neighborhood has its own unique characteristics and concerns and the solutions to their issues depending on the nature of the problems. For example, problems that affect an entire block or neighborhood (for example, gangs, drug activity, parking problems, or property nuisances) are best handled through cooperative efforts between residents and the City.
What Ordinances Do We Enforce?
The Code Enforcement Division primarily enforces Ordinances pertaining to health, safety, and property nuisances. Following are some of those Ordinances we enforce.
Grass and Weeds
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any property less than 40,000 square feet or property within any platted and recorded subdivision, to allow grass/weeds over 10 inches in height. After a 20-day notice, the City shall cause the condition to be remedied at the expense of the property owner.
Junk Cars
Any junk, abandoned or inoperative vehicle that remains on a property for longer than 30 days after due notice of violation has been provided per section 22-177 of the City of Austell Code of Ordinances, may be removed by the City of Austell or its duly authorized designee.
Any expenses incurred in remedying the condition shall become payable within 30 calendar days, after which a special assessment lien and charge shall be attached to the property, which shall be payable with interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of such certification until paid. Such lien shall be in favor of the City of Austell, Georgia, and may be satisfied at any time by payment thereof including accrued interest. Notice of such lien shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court and recorded in the public records of Cobb County, Georgia.
Outside Storage Limitations
No outside storage is permitted, with the exception of stacked firewood and lawn furnishings.
Personal Vehicle Sales
No more than three personal vehicle and/or equipment sales are allowed per calendar year on any one parcel of property.
Temporary Signs
The Temporary Local Directional sign code allows temporary signs to temporary events such as church or community gatherings, yard sales, moving sales, estate sales or the sale of an individual house. The code does not include off-premise outdoor advertising signs or signs defined under weekend subdivision directional signs. All temporary local directional signs must be located off the right-of-way.
Garbage Cans and Recycle Bins
Receptacles of any kind may not be left out at the curbside for more than 72 hours.
Any structure having broken windows, deteriorated paint or stucco, or in a state of disrepair is considered a public nuisance.
Garage Sales
Each resident is allowed four (4) garage sales per year. No signs for advertising these sales are allowed to be posted on any public property, including utility poles. Signs may be posted at the location of the sale on the day of the sale. A garage sale permit will be required and may be applied for in the Community Affairs office located at the Threadmill Complex, 5000 Austell-Powder Springs Road, Suite141. There is no charge for the permit.
When Are Permits Required?
The Code Enforcement Division works closely with the Community Affairs Department. There are many Ordinances that fall under the jurisdiction for which the Code Enforcement enforces or assists in gaining compliance.
A permit is required for new construction or major renovation projects. Permits need to be issued prior to beginning work and must receive a final inspection by the Building Inspector.
If you are unsure if a permit is needed, please contact the Community Development Specialists at (770) 944-4309.
Contact Us
5000 Austell-Powder Springs Road
Suite 101
Austell, Georgia 30106
Office: (770) 944-4324
Code Enforcement Officers
Michael Wells - Supervisor
Ron Brown - Code Enforcement Officer