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General Industrial

By implementing the proper practices and procedures below during your landscaping and vegetation management work, your business and project site can help to prevent stormwater pollution and keep our waters healthy for everyone.

Loading and Unloading Areas:

  • Loading and unloading areas should be covered to reduce exposure of materials to rain.
  • Use overhangs or door skirts between trailers and buildings.
  • Load and unload only at designated loading areas to limit the areas where spills and leaks can occur.

Outdoor Work Activities:

  • Cover any outdoor production, assembly, or work areas with a permanent roof if possible. Use berms or curbs to prevent stormwater runoff from adjacent areas from flowing onto the work areas.
  • Place drip pans or absorbent materials beneath any process or activity with a potential to leak or spill contaminants.
  • All equipment should be regularly inspected and properly maintained such that they do not leak or discharge petroleum, hydraulic oil, or other pollutants.

Outdoor Storage Areas:

  • Outdoor storage areas should be covered with a roof, and bermed or enclosed to prevent contact with rain and stormwater runoff. This is particularly important for water-soluble materials and those that can leach pollutants into stormwater or groundwater.
  • Areas used to store liquid containers should also have a secondary containment system to prevent contact with rain and stormwater runoff.
  • Protect all temporary stockpiles from contact with stormwater runoff from surrounding areas using sediment barriers such as berms, dikes, fiber rolls, silt fences, or sandbags.
  • Store small amounts of bulk materials and any bagged materials on pallets to avoid contact with stormwater runoff.

Waste Management:

  • Use covered dumpsters and solid waste containers with leak-proof lids and covers. Dumpsters and waste containers should be located on paved areas or concrete pads, and covered by an overhanging roof structure or canopy when possible. Ensure that dumpster lids and container covers are always closed when not in use.
  • Only appropriate solid wastes should be placed in dumpsters and solid waste containers. Certain wastes (such as hazardous wastes, appliances, fluorescent lamps, pesticides, etc.) may not be disposed of in solid waste containers.
  • Do not dump liquids in dumpsters. Fats, oil, and grease should be collected separately and not disposed into solid waste containers.
  • Cover temporary waste piles with a waterproof cover which is adequately secured.

Parking Areas:

  • Post “no littering” signs in parking areas and provide an adequate number of covered trash receptacles to discourage littering. Clean out receptacles frequently to prevent spillage.
  • Clean parking areas using a mechanical or vacuum sweeper on a regular basis as needed. Establish the frequency of parking area cleaning based on usage and litter patterns.

Spills and Leaks:

  • Immediately contain and clean up any leaks or spills. Use dry absorbents, such as absorbent granules, socks and pads to clean up spills or leaking fluids. Absorbents should be cleaned up properly, bagged, and disposed of properly.